
Meet our Veterans

Alfred Perez

Branch: USAR (United States Army Reserves)

Rank: E-4 (attached to 11SF Grp, 3rd BTN, HD CO) 1982-85

MOS:  36KP10 Tactical Wire Operations Specialist/Airborne

Current Civilian Role(s) (ITC): Design Specialist, OSP

Two Favorite Duty Stations:  Army Hanger on Univ of Miami Campus, then old CIA site behind Miami Zoo

Favorite Memorable Service Moment: (Q Course) and Long weekend exercise w/5th SF Grp on Virginia Key

Best Battle Buddy: Jose Velasco (he trained Black Berets in Nicaragua late 70s)

One Military Lifelong Lesson: Be a quiet professional

Personal Interest: God, Family & Close friends, Grilling and Football.